Is your CMO profit center focused?

CMO Profit Center Focused

So, it is no wonder that most executives think of marketing as a cost center and not a central part of the revenue team. If marketing is ignored during executive team meetings when discussing revenues, customers, and results, and all eyes turn to sales, your marketing and sales efforts are out of alignment, and your sales funnel might be broken. Your sales funnel is the buying process that customers go through before they buy a product. If there’s a gap (or a leak, as it’s commonly known) in any place in your process, your revenue opportunity will suffer.

Marketing Strategy for Gen Z. A $200 Billion Powerhouse

Gen Z generation

Gen Z is the next big generational wave of consumers. A retail disrupter in the real sense. They are the very first generation who are smartphone natives. This smartphone nativism may be because most of them do not know (or at least remember) any time in their history when social networks did not exist.

Is Your Sales Milk Run Strategy Turning Sour?

Milk Run Strategy

Have you heard the term “milk run” from your sales manager? A milk run is really a territory assignment. The assignment requires the sales associate to visit “X” number of businesses in their territory every “X” number of days, weeks, or months. Usually, the milk run is a part of the sales associate’s monthly quota and may require them to make “X” number of face-to-face visits to customers and prospects in their territory. So what is wrong with a milk run? Why is this strategy turning sour? One word: Need.