The evolution of the marketing funnel – moving beyond traditional ways of thinking

funnel marketing evolution

The marketing funnel is an old model that marketers have used for decades. It was created to understand how customers interact with brands and determine what kind of ads they should run. Still, it doesn’t work anymore because people don’t go on websites or social media sites just looking at one thing before deciding whether it’s worth purchasing the product or service.

8 steps to a successful disruption of your industry

Successful Industry Disruption

Disruption is one of the buzzwords you often hear in today’s business world. Nothing shakes an industry awake like disruptive innovation. Companies become obsolete, others complain about their disappearing market share, while the smart ones recognize the signs of disruption early and embrace the change. In this new paradigm, businesses must either go out and disrupt or prepare to be disrupted themselves.

Is your CMO profit center focused?

CMO Profit Center Focused

So, it is no wonder that most executives think of marketing as a cost center and not a central part of the revenue team. If marketing is ignored during executive team meetings when discussing revenues, customers, and results, and all eyes turn to sales, your marketing and sales efforts are out of alignment, and your sales funnel might be broken. Your sales funnel is the buying process that customers go through before they buy a product. If there’s a gap (or a leak, as it’s commonly known) in any place in your process, your revenue opportunity will suffer.

Marketing Strategy for Gen Z. A $200 Billion Powerhouse

Gen Z generation

Gen Z is the next big generational wave of consumers. A retail disrupter in the real sense. They are the very first generation who are smartphone natives. This smartphone nativism may be because most of them do not know (or at least remember) any time in their history when social networks did not exist.

Is Your Sales Milk Run Strategy Turning Sour?

Milk Run Strategy

Have you heard the term “milk run” from your sales manager? A milk run is really a territory assignment. The assignment requires the sales associate to visit “X” number of businesses in their territory every “X” number of days, weeks, or months. Usually, the milk run is a part of the sales associate’s monthly quota and may require them to make “X” number of face-to-face visits to customers and prospects in their territory. So what is wrong with a milk run? Why is this strategy turning sour? One word: Need.

Should I Start My Own Business in 2022?

Start a business in 2022

Corporate America has changed. Job security is nonexistent, benefits (if offered) are not nearly what they used to be, and starting your own business looks a lot less risky. As a result, employees are quitting their jobs in record numbers in what has been called the Great Resignation. It is no wonder this trend continues to grow.

Adapt or Perish! Fintech’s Impact on the Title Insurance Industry

Fintechs Impact

Fintech companies have found a new industry to disrupt…title insurance. The technological changes in the industry are being driven by the largest group of prospective homebuyers, millennials. They expect greater efficiency and convenience in their home-buying process, and finch companies rush in to fill the gap.