Marketing Strategy for Gen Z. A $200 Billion Powerhouse

Gen Z generation

Gen Z is the next big generational wave of consumers. A retail disrupter in the real sense. They are the very first generation who are smartphone natives. This smartphone nativism may be because most of them do not know (or at least remember) any time in their history when social networks did not exist.

The Importance of Influencer Marketing as an E-Commerce Strategy

Importance of Influencer Marketing

In the e-commerce world, we all know that getting ahead (and staying ahead!) of the competition is the key to success. Over the years, we’ve seen several marketing techniques enter the frame, including social media marketing. Now we have a new e-commerce marketing strategy that doesn’t seem to be going away: influencer marketing.

Turn Your Website into a Lead Generation Magnet.

Lead Generation Magnet

Even with the greatest ads in the world, the leads won’t convert if a well-developed website isn’t ready to welcome them. Therefore, turn your website into a lead generation magnet and unlock the key to business success.

10 Instagram Marketing Tips to Grow Sales

BuzzShark Instagram Marketing

You’ve signed up to Instagram, you’ve got yourself a business page, now what? If you can relate, you aren’t alone because many aren’t sure exactly how to use Instagram to boost their sales.

The Importance of Chatbots in a 24/7 world.

The Importance of Chatbots

A chatbot is used by companies to interact on live chats with their customers. Chatbots are especially important in company websites, as they have become an integral part of web development. The integration of chatbots in applications reduces the limitations of human “interactors”—like online customer care representatives, as chatbots have the ability to run twenty four hours every single day of the week.

Why SERP SEO Matters.


According to Chitika, an online ad network, the first result for a given keyword or phrase receives around one-third of all clicks. Meanwhile, the second gets around 18% and those further down only receive single-digit numbers…and this is still on the FIRST page.